Icon Viewer

Preset browser with entries for all icons

I had recently been looking at rewriting an SDK sample from C++ to Python, the Color Synth Path. Modo allows developers to extend the preset browser with file like items (synthetic entries) for users to interact with (preset.do when double-clicked).

But as is usual for Modo it comes with tons of boilerplate, many interconnected components and little to no documentation. To piece together how it works there is the sample just mentioned and also the Cloud Assets browser, which was implemented in Python very similar to Color Synth Path. But it has seen a radical change since version 14.0v1 so if you're looking for preset examples in Python you need to install an earlier version.

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Editor Utility Widgets in Unreal

This post will be a short guide for making an Editor Utility Widget in Unreal 5.1. Using Python to extend the main menu with our own submenu, to which we will add a button. Making it easier for artists to find it. Should work for versions 4.27 and later, but to be safe you can use the same version as me following along.

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Catenary Curve in Modo Schematic

I wanted to learn more about Modo's Procedural tools. And had just recently seen great video about making a procedural rope bridge in Blender using Geometry Nodes by Erindale. So as a more simple exercise I figured I would create the curve for the ropes in a potentially future rope bridge.

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